Video interview RDB 3/2016 re OJ. Click to play.

Bob Blaiser Headshot
Robert D. Blasier
OJ Simpson Defense Team, People Magazine, October 16, 1995
OJ Simpson Defense Team, People Magazine, October 16, 1995
Judge Ito, Matthew Blasier (Bob's Son), and Bob
Judge Ito, Matthew Blasier (Bob's Son), and Bob
Star Jones and Bob both enjoying cigars at OJ’s house during civil trial
Star Jones and Bob both enjoying cigars at OJ’s house during civil trial
Bob Cross Examining Witness at Trial
Bob Cross Examining Witness at Trial
F. Lee Baily with Bob
F. Lee Baily with Bob
Johnnie Cochran with Bob
Johnnie Cochran with Bob
Bob with Alan Dershowitz, Bob's Professor at Harvard Law School and Co-Counsel in OJ Simpson Case
Bob with Alan Dershowitz, Bob's Professor at Harvard Law School and Co-Counsel in OJ Simpson Case
Geraldo Rivera, Bob, and Char
PI Charlotte Blasier, Bob, and Bob Shapiro
Char, Bob, and Bob Shapiro
PI Charlotte Blasier, Bob, and Bob Shapiro
Bob during OJ Simpson Civil Case
Bob during OJ Simpson Civil Case
Phil Spector with Bob during the Spector, "wall of sound," murder case
Phil Spector with Bob during the Spector, "wall of sound," murder case
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